Not your Grandmother’s Sewing Machine….
January 31, 2010, 1:57 pm
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Dear Imaginary Readers,

I’m amazed by this new sewing machine I bought on Black Friday!  The thing actually winds the bobbin for me and threads the needle!  Whoa.  Amazing.  It’s like I don’t have to do anything.  Well, except when it comes to the actual sewing part.  I am realizing how ambitious this “52 Projects” project idea really is.  The last time I  sewed anything was when my Nona was still here.  We sat at her vintage sewing machine (the one I use as a desk now) and tried to hem my work pants.  That machine is extremely powerful; industrial strength and I’m not exaggerating, as I often sometimes do.  The second I would step on the pedal, the hem of my pants would take of like a rocket and my whole body would thrust forward as if I had just experienced inertia during a roller coaster ride.  Okay, okay, that was exaggeration.  The point is, though, I had no control.  Every time the seam was completely crooked and my Nona would say “no, no, do again” and then she would take here little seam cutter and rip ’em open.  In the end, I just let her do them for me.

When she passed away, I wanted that sewing machine.  I knew deep down I would never be able to use it but, I guess it was like I was taking that perfectionism my Nona had, that need to do things and do them right, with me, into my living room; all 200 lbs of it.   I remember her making me so many things on that machine.  That yellow skirt, that wish now I had kept, and outfits for Bunbun (my beloved stuffed bunny I took every where).  Every time, I was over her house, she was at the sewing machine, with her giant scissors and massive jar of miscellaneous buttons.  And now those items are in my house.   Yeah, I don’t need giant scissors or 1000 buttons but, I just like that they’re there, okay.

I have started my first project from Sew Liberated (the book).  I picked the first one, and the easiest one.  I admit I was intimidated by all the rest and don’t have money to go out buy new material anyway; this particular project can be made from scraps.   The first real step is to sew 2 1/2 ” by 1-10″ pieces of material together.  This will make one really long strip.  I was on a roll until I realized I had to do, what I just did,  about 7 more times.  Sigh. Hopefully, I have enough scraps!  I’m kind scrounging, so when you see the picture of it, when I’m done, because I WILL finish it, it will not be “aesthetically pleasing” as Meg suggests to make it, in the book.  That is my disclaimer (I make a lot of those, I know).  Since, I’m new to sewing I don’t really care if things look pretty or not anyway, I just want get some practice in.

Well, I’m off to sew!

Talk to you soon,



I take that back.  I was able to sew a pair of pillow cases I made from some cloth napkins that were my Nona’s.  I sewed them on her sewing machine, at my house, but it took me forever because like I said, that machine is really hard for me to use!  I forgot about those.  Here are some pictures of them.  I think these are actually pretty!!

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